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On Theory of Developing of Material Systems (TDMS)


 On Theory of Developing of Material Systems (TDMS)

Rubin M.S., Russia, Petrozavodsk, 21 May 2002

The rapid development of environment makes creation of most common and applied theories actual. These theories make it possible to solve the arising from different fields’ problems.
TDMS undertakes a task of description of the most common laws of material systems’ development – non-organic, organic, living, social and social-technical.
The first law of TDMS is a law of community of development: all the material systems have common laws of development. The second law – the main trend of the TDMS development – aspiration to the uppermost seizure of substance, space, energy, information and time.
Apart from the theory of systems, TDMS studies the laws of qualitative development of material systems: what reason exist for arising of organic substance out of non-organic; what leads to domination of civilization over the natural world, etc.
In TDMS development on different system level is defined: individual development of concrete material systems (system ontogenesis); evolution development of systems (system phylogenies); development on the level of super-systems and subsystems.
In TDMS the development of systems is observed as aspiration of material systems to support the process of transformation of the environment.
TDMS code of laws, consisting of 7 main laws of development, let us approach such theories as Theory of Solving Inventive Tasks (TRIZ), Theory of Development of Technical Systems (TDTS), Theory of Development of Creative Personality (TDCP), evolution development of biological and ecological systems, theories of ethnos, society and civilization development from common points and makes thinking more effective.
The approaches put in into TDMS made it possible to work out prognosis of civilization development (G.S. Altshuller, M.S. Rubin “Eight Ideas on Nature and Techniques” ) and methods of applying TRIZ for prognosticating; to fulfill a number of other research and applied work.

1. Introduction.
There are two constituents in TRIZ:
- Laws and mechanisms of solving technical problems, of the development of technical systems;
- General laws, regularities and mechanisms of solving inventive problems, typical for any material system – non-organic, organic, living, social and social-technical.
The Theory of Development of Material Systems (TDMS) is an attempt to distinguish the most general laws and regularities of the development of material systems using the methods of TRIZ, the experience of its application in non-technical fields, and other theories of development of different systems – biological, ecological, social etc.

2. Aims, tasks and the subject of TDMS.
TDMS studies material systems in their development, determines the trends, the regularities and basic mechanisms of this development. TDMS examines the systems in development; in motion. Matter exists only in motion. E.g. civilization is a systematical process of transforming of a natural environment into an artificial, cultural one, but not buildings and cities themselves.
The main aim of TDMS is to describe the system of law and regularities of the development of different material systems (non-organic, organic, living and lifeless, social, technical, economical etc.)
The task of TDMS comprises the development of methods of prognostication; of solving creative, research problems aimed at creating the theories of development; the description of different theories of the systems development on a same basis. The laws of TDMS make thinking more effective, let you adapt quickly to new situations in different spheres of human activity.

3. The structure of TDMS.
One can divide TDMS into interdependent constituents:
- Basic concepts and terms of the theory, allowing describing the state and development of any material systems;
- Basic laws and regularities of the systems development;
- Methods and mechanisms of considering the tasks of development of material systems;
- Prognostication and other applied methods of application of TDMS in different fields.

4. Basic concepts.
Substance – any system can be represented as an indivisible element (substance) with a certain set of qualities. Any substance can be considered as a system including other elements (substances). The choice of the level depends on the character of the considered task or model.
Field is and interaction between substances. Fields can be physical, social, economical, technical etc. Fields have a structure of ordinary systems i.e. they can include fields-elements and they can form fields-systems. Fields are material they can be discovered and measured with the help of substances interacting by these fields.
A very important concept is also the concept of the system ontogenesis i.e. the development of an individual given system (e.g. the city of Petrozavodsk or Paris) and the system phylogenies, i.e. the development of general, abstract systems (e.g. cities in general). The development can be considered on the level of subsystems (south cities, cities of Ancient Rome) and super-systems (e.g. of a civilization, of a states etc.)
TDMS also employs other concepts: the seizure of Substance, Energy, Space, Information and Time (S-E-Sp-I-T) the model of the situation, the ideal final result, the contradiction, the methods of substance transformation, the lines of development etc.

5. Basic laws of TDMS.
The development of material systems is the appearing of new sorts and forms of matter on the basis of the available matter. The laws of existence of material systems develop together with the appearing and the development of there very systems but not earlier.
1) The law of the community of development. All material systems (non-organic, organic, ecological, social, social-technical) have common laws of development. TDMS considers the development of living and lifeless matter as a united process.
2) The law of aspiration to the seizure of the surrounding resources and to the conservation of the inner resources. Material systems aspire to the uppermost seizure of Substance, Energy, Space, Information and Time (S-E-Sp-I-T). This process leads to qualitative and quantitative changes in the environment. One can distinguish 3 basic steps in the development of the matter: lifeless, living, civilization or clever matter (the union of living lifeless one). Material systems aspire to support the process of transformation of the environment.
3) The law of the development and self preservation of full, integral systems. Material systems aspire to create a full set of elements and preserve themselves on different system levels on the individual level; on the level of the evolution development, as well as on the levels of sub-systems and super-systems. In the process of their development the systems covers the stage of its formation (separation from the environment), the stage of its firm consolidation and the stage of the expansion of the “proper” system.
4) The law of the simultaneous development on several levels. Material systems aspire to seize the S-E-Sp-I-T resources on different levels: the system itself, sub-systems, super-systems, system onto genies and system phylogenies.
5) The law of the appearance and overcoming the contradictions of the development. The seizure and preservation of resources are always connected with expenses in the form of a waste of a part of the resources available (S-E-Sp-I-T). The struggle for the resources is always accompanied by the appearance of contradictions, the competition believe both related material systems and foreign systems. The aspiration to self-preservation of substance on different system levels can also lead to contradictions. Material systems develop in the direction of overcoming (solving) these contradictions.
6) The law of the aspiration for ideality: systems aspire to the forms that allow the uppermost seizure of resources with the minimum (or with the absence) of expenses. The contradictions that appear in the course of the development are solved in the direction of the achievement of ideality. The methods of the seizure of the resources develop from hard seizure by force to voluntary one without resistance and struggle, from seizure of substance to the seizure of fields, from badly controlled systems to easily controlled ones.
7) The law of changer of quality and the transition to a super-system. Material systems in their development (the seizure of the resources) change their qualitative composition (their structure, characteristics, functions etc.), and form super-system and hierarchical structures as well. Qualitative changes and transitions to super-systems happen both on the levels of substance and field connections. Qualitatively changed systems and super-systems don’t deny provide for its existence and development.

6. The application of TDMS.
TDMS allows considering on a same basis different theories such as TRIZ, TDCP, the theory of evolution Ch. Darwin, the theories of V. Vernadsky and K. Tsiolkovsky, the theory of development of races of L. Gumilev, the theory of the unconscious of Z. Freud and many other theories concerning the development of systems of the civilization, the community and the man. The mechanisms and methods, developed by TDMS can be used for the development of educational systems and creative personalities.


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